Projects & Studies


We are glad to inform that since January 2017 FEN has been the associated partner of the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project: Becoming Future-ORiented Entrepreneurs in universities and companies – beFORE.

Knowledge Alliance projects aim at strengthening Europe´s innovation capacity and at fostering innovation in higher education and business. Among 188 project proposals submitted in the KA 2016 call, only 20 projects have been selected for funding.

The project will contribute to building a methodological and theoretical framework for future-oriented entrepreneurship coupled with the development of e-learning based educational solutions, in order to facilitate achieving a desired foresight awareness and maturity levels among entrepreneurs, students and educators.

The specific needs of the target groups will be analysed in a pan-European survey and effectively addressed in the educational offer composed of: one main and the three auxiliary e-learning courses for students, entrepreneurs and academics.

Futures Literacy e-learning courses will be tested among target groups in national pilots in: Poland, Italy, Germany and Spain.

The project partnership consists of: Institute for Sustainable Technologies-National Research Institute (Poland-co-ordinator), Bialystok University of Technology (Poland), 4CF (Poland), University of Pisa (Italy), Mondragon University – Faculty of Business Studies (Spain), Free University Berlin – Futur Institut (Germany), Centro Diffusione Imprenditoriale della Toscana Scarl (Italy), ERREQUADRO (Italy), PROSPEKTIKER (Spain), AVENITURE (Germany).

Reinforcement of eGovernance in the Danube Region

The conference focused on e-government innovation of policy makers and practitioners in the Danube region and challenges e-government implementers are facing. The overall objective of the conference was to increase visibility of the digital agenda in the Danube Region. The importance of effective digital government strategies for countries seeking to maintain public trust, restore economic growth and long-term sustainability was presented.

Speakers highlighted:

  • the power of the macroregional strategies in enhancing cooperation, building partnerships and promoting good quality public services;
  • the power of the ICT enabled modernisation towards building the government WITH the people, not FOR the people;
  • the power of a two-way communication between the government and the society for e-governance development;
  • the power of knowledge, expertise and innovative practices of cities in enabling digital development in the Danube Region.

Participant agreed that modern, efficient public administrations are essential to the economic prosperity of the EU and of the Danube Region. Crucial factors of success and challenges in e-governance have also been identified.


January 2017
Summary Report on
February 2015
Summary Report on
Reinforcement of eGovernance in the Danube Region